Male chest reduction has become a very popular treatment. Men have become a lot more aware of treatments available and have realised there are also cosmetic procedures for them. The minimally invasive technique makes this more popular. It forms approximately 50-60% of our treatment areas for male cosmetic procedures.
There are various techniques available to reduce the male chest size.
Firstly one should try exercise and diet and only if a good attempt at this has not worked, the one can look into other options.
Weight loss will reduce the fat content, but not the gland. This has to be removed by some means – either liposuction or surgical excision.
The chest tissue contains breast gland, fatty tissue and connective tissue. Liposuction techniques can generally reduce the gland and fat to a great extent.
We want to still maintain the masculinity of the chest, but reduce the bulk that gives it the appearance of a female breast.
The trick is also to prevent something called nipple or scar retraction. This is an unsightly adverse side effect which results from over resection (removing too much tissue behind the nipple) of the tissue and subsequent scar formation onto the pectoralis muscle. This then gives a deformity when the chest muscle is contracted resulting in inverting of the nipple.
What is Male Chest Reduction/Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia refers to increased breast tissue, that can be caused as a result of an increase in oestrogen levels or excessive weight gain. Gynecomastia can cause men to have the appearance of breasts, as opposed to a strong and toned chest.
Male chest reduction surgery helps men feel their best, by restoring the natural masculinity of the chest and reducing the appearance of breasts. Dr Wolf performs VASER Lipo combined with micro-lipo that removes the unwanted bulk of breast and fatty tissue. This chest reduction leaves men with a smooth, contoured and shapely chest area.
What Happens During Male Chest Fat Reduction Surgery using VASER?
Male chest fat reduction is a minimally invasive procedure, meaning that it is performed through 2 tiny holes on each side of the chest. Most procedures only require local anesthetic and sedation, which ensures that the patient feels minimal pain and can go home the same day.
Once the patient is comfortable and the area has been numbed, Dr Wolf will start using the VASER probe to liquefy the fat and gland. We can then use gentle suction to remove the emulsified fat and gland. This is compared to traditional liposuction techniques or surgical excision techniques which are often more aggressive and traumatic.
What other options are there?
Besides traditional liposuction there is also excision surgery where the gland and fat are dissected out with a scalpel. This is usually performed under general anaesthesia and takes a little longer. The recovery process is also longer and more uncomfortable. In some cases though it’s the only option to reduce the excess tissue.
Who Is A Male Chest Reduction For?
Male chest reduction is one of our most popular cosmetic treatments for men. This is because it suits anyone who has more chest tissue than they would prefer, and it can change the look of the chest and body very quickly.
For men who are self-conscious about their chest fat, they can find it looks unsightly in T-shirts and no matter what they do, the breast tissue will not respond to weight loss. In this sense, male chest reduction is for those who need their fat and gland physically removed when it won’t respond to diet and exercise.
32 year old Male chest, gynecomastia, Male chest reduction using VASER
32 year old Male, VASER chest, Male chest reduction, Gynecomastia.
50 year old Male, gynecomastia, Male chest reduction using Vaser
50 year old Male, gynecomastia, Male chest reduction using Vaser