It’s the ideal solution for women who would like to have pockets of stubborn fat removed and used for breast augmentation purposes. It is a popular alternative to implants to revolumise the breast after breast feeding and regain some shape and cleavage.
The treatment involves part liposuction and then fat transfer. It is performed as a day case under local anaesthetic and IV sedation.
Most women see this as a 2 for 1 procedure where you get liposuction and a breast augmentation at the same time.
As there is certain unpredictability with the fat transfer to the breast, it is important to bear in mind that there is no guarantee the fat transfer will survive. As it is living tissue we rely on the body to integrate the fat once it is transferred.
We have no control over whether this will occur or not. There are no common denominators that we know of that could help us improve the outcome. It either works or it does not.
In the majority of cases the retention is about 50-60%. In 15-20% of cases all the fat disappears.

- if you are after a modest enlargement
- you want lipo and augmentation
- you’ve completed your family

Who is not the ideal candidate for fat transfer?
- if you are seeking a significant increase in breast size.
- you are very slender
- have excess skin and require an uplift.
- considering having children within 12 months.
- you are still breast feeding
- you want augmentation, but not liposuction
If you are looking for a substantial increase in size then we would recommend implants.
For more history on fat transfer please look at our blog

Where can we harvest the fat from?
Insert the grey scale figures I sent previously with the different areas highlighted

What if I have had a breast augmentation before?
If you have had your implants removed and there is not too much loose skin you can have the breasts revolumised with fat. This may have to be combined with a breast lift.

Can I have mammograms?
Yes you can. As the breast naturally contains fat tissue the procedure will not mask or hide anything untoward.